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Men’s Health

A hot metabolism keeps you lean

Hot Bodies Stay Lean

By John Salak — Maybe, just maybe, it’s a person’s internal make-up that determines whether their body mass index is running above or below recommended levels and not entirely how

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young Asian man and Asian woman jogging

A Male-Female Run on Health

By Sean Zucker — The benefits of regularly running are well documented. As one of the most streamlined forms of cardio exercise, jogging reportedly can boost mood, increase energy, enhance

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Essential tips for basic eye care

The Eyes Have It

The Skinny A lot of famous people have been cited as the author of the famous quote: The eyes are the window to the soul. This includes William Shakespeare, Leonardo

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Weight gain produces feelings of despondency and low self-worth among middle-aged men.

The Mind’s Weight Matters

By John Salak – Weight gain for middle-aged men is obviously not all in their minds, but that doesn’t mean adding pounds doesn’t play on their psyches. The extra girth men

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