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Cod Liver Oil Passes The Smell Test

Delivers Eight Tasty Benefits

Cod oil health benefits.

The Skinny:

There are all sorts of proof that the Vikings were a tough bunch. Yes, they probably sailed across the Atlantic in small open boats and discovered North America well before Christopher Columbus and Americo Vespucci. They were also fearsome warriors, having successfully ransacked large parts of Europe and the British Isles. Some studies even claim the ancient Vikings were overloaded with testosterone. All this is pretty impressive, but it’s hard to beat their ability to consume large quantities of cod liver oil when it comes to toughness. They actually roasted these livers on birch branches over boiling water and skimmed off the drippings before drinking up. Remember that codfish oil was pretty yucky stuff, even rancid at times, having been described as having a “strong, disagreeable, half-putrid” taste. Okay, the Vikings were undoubtedly tough, but they were also smart too. They didn’t drink it to prove anything. They drank it for its medicinal purposes. Ever since then, cod liver oil has been known for both its absolutely disgusting taste and for the belief it could cure almost anything that ailed a person from rickets to tuberculosis, gout, joint aches, rheumatism and “obstinate constipation.” Today, codfish oil, while still pungent, is a bit more refined and even comes in capsule form as well as a liquid. It also is no longer used for rickets, tuberculosis or as a laxative. However, it is readily available and provides a promising range of powerful health benefits. Read on.

The Slate:

Loaded with vitamins A and D

One teaspoon dose of cod liver holds a lot, including 40.6 calories, 4.5 grams of fat and 25.6 mg of cholesterol. It also has a solid amount of vitamin A, which is essential for supporting vision, enhancing immune systems and aiding reproduction, growth and development. It has more vitamin D than other fish oils, which is important as this fat-soluble vitamin is known to aid the absorption and retention of bone-building calcium and phosphorus, reduce inflammation and infections and thwart cancer cell growth.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Approximately 20 percent of cod liver oil is omega-3 fatty acids, which is great as an energy source, while also supporting cell wall structure and keeping the heart, lungs, blood vessels and immune system functioning. Get too little omega-3 oils and the risk of diabetes mellitus, inflammation and obesity rises.

Good Looks

Simply put, cod liver is great for a person’s eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil help support better vision by strengthening the cellular membranes of the eyes, increasing circulation, lowering interocular pressure and reducing the inflammation that can lead to various eye conditions, including dry eyes and age-related macular degeneration. Vitamin A also helps the functioning of the retina, aids in low-light and color vision and reduces the risk of night blindness. Vitamin D is essential for overall eye health and helps prevent glaucoma and uveitis.

Wound Healing

Wounds have been treated with cod liver oil for almost a century as it was reported that the application helped healing “at an amazing speed.” A veterinary journal even suggested that the lipophilic vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in cod liver oil dilate small blood vessels, making more vitamin A available to the wound surface and enhancing the production of healthy skin and scar tissue.

Aids Mental Health

The oil’s omega 3’s can benefit behavior, mood and certain brain disorders, including attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, autism, depression, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, hostility, anxiety, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder and suicidal ideation, according to certain studies. One report went on to note that since most people are deficient in marine omega-3s, a daily marine omega-3 supplement may be a safe, cost-effective way to boost brain and mood health.

Anti-Inflammatory Aid

Omega-3 fatty acids can help athletes expand endurance and muscle recovery. One study, in fact, noted that cyclists routinely taking cod liver as an omega-3 fatty acid supplement had significantly lower inflammation levels both before and after the race.

Helps Osteo- and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Smells and tastes aside, the oil has a beneficial arthritis-calming anti-inflammatory agent. Cardiff University in Wales reported that its omega-3 fatty acids also help preserve joint-cushioning cartilage. The findings are good news for those with rheumatoid arthritis, who are unable to tolerate the side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and COX-2 inhibitors.

Mixed Cancer Risks

Studies have found that cod liver oil can help block cancer cell growth and significantly lower the risk of developing colon, liver/bile and lung cancer for those taking supplements twice a week. Unfortunately, the risk of breast cancer risk increases with dosage.

Eyes Up:

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