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Don’t Sit On Eggs

They Hatch Plenty Of Benefits

benefit of eating eggs

By Andrew Amouzou –

From Dr. Suess books to Humpty Dumpty to breakfast plates, eggs are everywhere. Think of the ideal morning meal and it’s hard to image eggs of some kind not making the final cut. There’s good reason for that, even with research that raises legitimate concerns over their connection to high cholesterol, among other issues. Ultimately, breakfast’s most iconic food is a definite source of nutrition, which will give people an incentive to keep cracking them.

Eggs, for example, offer loads of protein. The Australian Egg Organization notes that eggs provide “all the essential amino acids” a body needs. One serving, which is two eggs, contains just under 13 grams of protein. Those 13 grams go a long way as they make up 20 percent of the recommended dietary intake for men, 27 percent for women, and 33 percent for children.

Norish by WedMd cites another unrecognized benefit in that eggs provide essential amino acids the body cannot make by itself. The essential amino acids also play an important role in muscle development and overall bodily recovery, which ultimately makes it the perfect addition to a post-workout meal.

Healthline adds to the eggs chorus by reporting they are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. A single boiled egg contains a wide menu of essentials, such as Vitamins A, B5, B12 and D, as well as phosphorus and calcium. Additionally, omega-3 and pasteurized eggs are known to be viewed as even healthier than the conventional egg. Pasteurized eggs, according to Healthline, come from chickens that are allowed to roam free and eat their natural food, providing it to be one of the most natural egg-making routes. Omega-3 eggs are like the conventional egg. However, the chicken’s feed consists of a heavy source of omega-3. Research shows that incorporating more omega-3 into a diet can reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, smooth out arteries and play an integral role in infant and child development.

The calorie count of eggs offers an interest take on weight control. A single hard-boiled egg has 70 calories, which is significant. The good news regarding these calories is that one serving of eggs tends to leave an individual feeling somewhat full, leading them to eat less throughout the day, WebMd reports. The high protein content of eggs also makes them so filling.

Medical News Today supported the notion that eggs can be part of an effective weight managing program by noting people who eat a high protein breakfast consume fewer calories throughout the rest of the day. The site also noted that eggs are particularly effective in high-protein diets because they are so versatile. 

But for all their benefits, there is no escaping the connection eggs have contributing to high cholesterol, which reputedly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. There is good reason for this as eggs do raise cholesterol levels. However, there is a good-news, bad-news catch in all this. The body deals with two different types of cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

Healthline cites research that indicates eating two eggs per day for six weeks increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels by 10 percent. The study also concluded that eggs can also raise LDL (bad cholesterol), but only in those considered as hyper responders. Even then, Healthline adds that cholesterol in someone’s diet does not necessarily raise cholesterol in the blood.

Ultimately, as part of a healthy diet, the Heart Foundation recommends eggs are just fine.





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