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Lefthanders Recognized: Moolydookers Rejoice

Challenges And Charms Of Cuddy Wifters

The advantages and disadvantages of being left-handed.

The Skinny:

In case anyone is wondering, there are about 35 million mollydookers in the United States. What? Yup, there are tens of millions of lefthanded people in America, approximately 10-12 percent of the population. This percentage has stayed pretty constant over the years. So has the notion that lefthanded individuals enjoy unique qualities and challenges. Well, cuddy wifters do enjoy some particular issues, including but not limited to having a better chance of surviving combat than right-handers and that they are also the subject of Sinistrophobia, which is a fear of lefthanded people. In the honor of International Lefthanders Day (August 13), WellWell dug a little deeper into the plusses and minuses and came to the following. Read on.

The Slate:

Breast Cancer 

Everyone should be interested in cancer self-checks, but it is even more important for lefthanded individuals. The British Journal of Cancer cited research that lefthanders have a higher risk of breast cancer as they age than right-handers.



One way to sleep poorly is to suffer from periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), which means limbs move involuntarily during sleep. It appears that 94 percent of lefthanders suffer from these movements compared to 69 percent of right-handers.


Stroke Recovery 

On the good news side, lefthanders recover language skills faster from stroke than others. The reason for this is that language gets affected when strokes occur in the left side of the brain. The vast majority of righters (95 percent) have their language controlled on the left side of their brain, while only 70 percent of lefties have language. 


Sporty Advantage 

Lefthanders have a leg up over others in many sports that involve one-on-one face-offs. This includes baseball, boxing, fencing and tennis where lefthanders can get an edge over their right-handed opponents, who are used to playing against mostly right-handed competitors.


Fast Learners 

Apparently, lefthanders are pretty good at multitasking, which among other things makes it easier to simultaneously change gear, turn steering wheels and apply brakes. This gives them an advantage when it comes to passing a driving test. One study found that 57 percent of left-handed people pass their driving test on the first try compared with 47 percent of their right-handers.


Disease Resistant 

Lefties have underlying DNA and genes that help them battle against ulcers and arthritis, according to a surprising study published in the journal Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition


Madder Faster 

Lefthanded people have brain hemispheres that interact more frequently than right-handers. This mix isn’t always a good thing because it means left-brain logic and right-brain emotion mix more than average. Lefthanders, therefore, tend to be more emotional than their right-handed counterparts.

Eyes Up: 

What’s your take on lefthanders? Tell us why at info@wellwellusa.com.


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