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Staci Smith

Bad breath and halitosis as unpleasant odor coming out of a mouth as the smell of garlic onions fish or cheese.

A Breath of Foul Air

The Skinny: Bad breath is a social and personal bummer, a silent but deadly killjoy unleashed every time an offender opens their mouth. Sure, certain foods can trigger an ominously

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Group of business people architects collaborating on project in office

Healthy Office Habits

The Skinny: Working requires a lot of thought—or it should. What many of America’s 160 million employed often overlook is how to take care of themselves while on the job.

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two Afro American brothers playing video games at home.

Gaming May Build Smarts

By John Salak – The never-ending debate over the social and intellectual benefits of kids playing video games just got a little juicier thanks to a group of Swedish researchers

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