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The Sprinkle

Cows can be dangerous

Cows Are Udder Dangerous

By John Salak – Summer is at hand and that means a few things. It’s time to enjoy the great outdoors, whether that means camping, hiking, swimming, sailing and more.

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Vino On the Run

Vino On the Run

By John Salak – Don’t do the following at home or during a marathon—even for a great cause. A British merchant recently ran the London marathon all while raising money

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Snake Bite Common Sense

Snake Bite Common Sense

By John Salak – Doctors in Australia recently delivered what seems like an incredibly sound recommendation that makes sense worldwide. Anyone bitten by a poisonous snake should definitely not bring the vicious

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Secret To Long Life Revealed

Secret To Long Life Revealed

By John Salak – Yeah for traditional British fare. It’s a lifesaver. Okay, the Brits are not exactly known for their haute cuisine—though some would argue it has improved markedly

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