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Jersey Eats Wide & Well

  When thinking of New Jersey, the first things that tend to come to mind might be HBO’s The Sopranos, MTV’s The Jersey Shore or best care scenario, Bruce Springsteen’s

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The Long Brewing Debate

By John Salak – The most enduring question facing mankind is debatable. Certainly, many ponder the existence of God and/or an afterlife. Others continue to focus on what did or

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Pandemic Love Potions

By Sean Zucker – An occasional night in together with your significant other used to feel nice. However, when you’re forced to stay in together night after night, that quiet

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That’s Sweet

We are all well aware of the dangers of consuming too much-added sugar. Take one scroll through Netflix’s documentary library and you’ll see plenty of sweet-frightening titles such as Sugar

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Berry Good News

By John Salak – The venerable BBC just recently pronounced gojis as The berry that keeps Asia looking young, helping to anoint this sweet and slightly sour-tasting fruit as a

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Sticking It To Hay Fever

By John Salak – Spring brings the promise of all sorts of positives—warmer weather, outdoor activities, baseball, barbecues and blooming flowers. Unfortunately, it also brings hay fever (allergic rhinitis) to

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The Keto War Rages On

By John Salak- The keto diet may be wildly popular but it certainly has its detractors, who claim this quick-fix weight loss program brings all sorts of dangerous baggage with

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