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Black Bear

Going Wild in New Jersey

Oh my! Snakes, bears and bats!  David Wheeler, wildlife and nature aficionado, has seen it all—close up and personal. What’s more, he’s embraced nature’s rich tapestry in of all places,

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Jennifer Iserloh

The Alchemist’s Friend

Jennifer Iserloh has been serving up nutritious food and healing lifestyle advice for decades. A classically trained chef, author, speaker and yogi, she has evolved and refined her approach to

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High On Exercise

High On Exercise

By John Salak — Who doesn’t enjoy getting a buzz from exercise—whether it’s that endorphins rush that kicks in from heavy-duty training or simply the feel-good vibe that’s generated when

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Work Related Stress is Declining

Go Schadenfreude Yourself

By John Salak —  There’s good news on the stress front. The percentage of people suffering from work-related stress has probably declined over the last decade. The bad news is

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The Spout - Music & Activity Critical for Children

Sounds Right For Children

By John Salak — Want healthy, happy, smart kids who live long and productive lives? Start with making sure they are physically active, emotionally secure and enveloped in music from

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