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Workplace & Tech

mental health apps can provide comfort.

Mental Health Apps Abound

By Juliann Kelly – With a pandemic forcing people across the globe to shelter in place, in-person interaction is not only limited, it’s discouraged. The result is that anxiety and

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Don’t Go Into The Light

By Sean Zucker – With everyone but essential workers stuck at home, screen time undoubtedly is flirting with all-time highs. Whether it’s staring at phones, scrolling through twitter, binge watching

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Cerebrum Conundrum

Excuses are everywhere. It’s the television when you’re eating with your family; the internet when you’re trying to work; or push notifications on your phone just about whenever. They are

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OM, Are We Sure This Is Safe?

By Sean Zucker — The emotional and physical benefits of traditional meditation and mindfulness are well established. But can these benefits come through a digital platform? There is growing evidence

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Scooting to the ER

By Sean Zucker —  It’s a beautiful autumn day, the sun is shining, birds are chirping and e-scooters are increasingly zooming everywhere. Sounds nice. Unfortunately, this increasingly popular and eco-friendly

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