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Heart Attack Warning Signs for Women

Five Signs A Problem May Be Imminent

Heart Attack Warning Signs for Women

The Skinny:

Millions of Americans suffer heart attacks every year—and hundreds of thousands die annually from these attacks. But only recently have death rates for women due to cardiovascular disease surpassed that of men. There are various reasons for the recent shift. What may be particularly significant, however, is that the warning signs of a heart attack for women can be different from those of men. These signs can also appear well over a month in advance of any attack. This makes it extremely important to recognize these warning signals in order to help preclude any pending heart attacks. Read on to learn more.

The Slate:

Many people dealing with a heart attack will feel pressure and or pain in the left side of their chests. Sometimes this pain can be crushing or extreme. There can also be discomfort, squeezing or heaviness. Women, however, often experience other symptoms weeks ahead of any attacks. They may not always signal an attack is on the way, but they could.


Periodic episodes of dizziness or lightheadedness that were not previously apparent. This may occur because of interrupted blood flow to the brain associated with a heat problem.


Stomach discomfort is another warning that may surface weeks before an attack occurs. It is important to watch these episodes especially if an alternative cause of the nausea can’t be identified.


Anxiety is common among women with pre-heart attack symptoms. In fact, one study reported that 23 percent of these people experienced anxiety. Disease progression is attributed to people with cardiovascular disease having to deal with this co-occurring anxiety.


There are lots of reasons women suffer from fatigue like poor sleep, stress and too much caffeine among other causes. However, if poor sleep and fatigue occur without an apparent reason, it could be a warning that a heart attack is imminent.


Lousy digestion, just like poor sleep, can be caused by lots of factors. But for women, if this appears without a seeming cause, stomach problems could again be a red flag that a heart attack is on the way.

Eyes Up:

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