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Loud Noises Are Dangerous

Cut The Sound & Save Your Ears

Loud Noises Are Dangerous

The Skinny:

Americans need to hear this: loud noises are dangerous. They are making themselves sick and losing their ability to hear because they are exposed to dangerously loud noises. In fact, almost 50 million Americans have impaired hearing and it’s not just mature adults who are suffering. All ages of people are losing their ability to hear properly for all sorts of reasons, including overexposure to loud sounds. What’s lesser known is that hearing loss isn’t the only health risk they’re facing for big sounds. WellWell is here to sound off on all these dangers. Listen up.

The Slate:

That’s Too Loud

Sound levels are measured in decibels (dB). It is generally agreed that a sound level becomes potentially dangerous when it reaches 85 dB or higher, especially if someone is exposed over an extended period. Sounds at or below 70 dB are generally considered safe. Normal conversations usually reach 60-70 dB.

More Than Hearing Loss

Extended exposure to dangerously loud noises can certainly damage a person’s hearing. What is largely unrealized is that it can lead to all sorts of other health issues. Included among them are:

  • Tinnitus
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Increased Pulse Rate
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Increased Stomach Acid
  • Dizziness

Loud Noises

Everyone seems to know a really loud noise when they hear one. But just how loud are some of these common blasters? Here are some common culprits with their DB levels.

  • Lawnmowers: 80–100 dB
  • Boom Box: 90-100 dB
  • Sports events: 94–110 dB
  • Concerts: 94-110 dB
  • Chainsaw, Leaf Blower, Snowmobile: 106-115 dB
  • Sirens: 110–129 dB
  • Ambulance Siren: 110-129 dB
  • Fireworks: 140–160 dB
  • Stock Car Race: 130 dB
  • Fireworks: 140–160 dB

Stifle The Buzz

The world isn’t likely to stifle itself anytime soon, even though there is an increasing number of municipal regulations designed to turn down the volume. There are, however, ways to protect your hearing.  Obviously, those susceptible to hearing loss or other noise-related health problems should avoid exposure to notoriously loud environments—concerts, ball games, fireworks, etc. It is also important to track and limit the length of dangerous noise exposures. Earplugs and noise-canceling headphones should also be employed if exposure is inevitable. This is especially important for young children. Finally, have regular hearing tests to identify and treat problems early.

Eyes Up:

How do you protect your ears? Let us know at



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