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Berry Good News

By John Salak – The venerable BBC just recently pronounced gojis as The berry that keeps Asia looking young, helping to anoint this sweet and slightly sour-tasting fruit as a

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The Keto War Rages On

By John Salak- The keto diet may be wildly popular but it certainly has its detractors, who claim this quick-fix weight loss program brings all sorts of dangerous baggage with

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Stop Eating Misinformation

It’s a never-ending stream of chaos, confusion and contradiction in the food trend trenches. Gluten is terrible then it’s necessary for most healthy diets. The Paleo diet is the most

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Intermittent fasting benefits

Fasten Up Your Waistline

By Sean Zucker – New year, new diet fads all promise the ultimate in weight loss. There’s the keto diet, the Mediterranean diet, the eat less gluten approach, the eat

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