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A Bow-Dacious Stretch

By John Salak – Almost everyone is familiar with Gorilla Glue and Gorilla Tape. How about Gorilla Bows? Those not deeply immersed in heavy duty workouts or resistance training may

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Get In The Zone

“Fad diet” is a term that gets thrown around a lot these days, often referring to a possibly questionable dieting program that quickly rises in popularity only to completely falter

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Is NBA Virus Tech Golden?

By Sean Zucker – Despite Florida registering record highs for coronavirus cases of late, the NBA is pushing ahead with plans to finish the 2019-2020 season entirely in Orlando. The

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the surprising impact bacteria may have on the human brain.

Bank On Bacteria Brain?

By Sean Zucker – It’s fair to say people are afraid of bacteria right now. But there may be evidence to support that COVID-19 and other infections are far from

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there is growing concern that global soybean production is fostering climate change.

Is Soy Good Or Bad?

By John Salak – Is soybean bad for you? There is good and bad news for soy lovers. Research has just spouted indicating that soy may be able to help

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factors such as your environment and community play a significant role in living a longer life

Want To See 100?

By John Salak – Think your genes are the prime factors determining how long you’ll live? Think again. Scientists at Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine just

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Running On Empty

Run faster, jump higher. The P.F. Flyers made that promise nearly 80 years ago spearheading decades of development and attention given towards performance-enhancing shoe wear. But what if the industry

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Til Snores Do Us Part

By Sean Zucker – Carson Daly has claimed a sleep divorce between him and his wife saved their marriage, prompting many to respond with the same question. “What the hell

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It’s A Sitting Shame

By John Salak – It is kind of a given that sitting too much, and being too sedentary isn’t a recipe for health and vitality. In fact, simply Google “health

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