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Weight gain produces feelings of despondency and low self-worth among middle-aged men.

The Mind’s Weight Matters

By John Salak – Weight gain for middle-aged men is obviously not all in their minds, but that doesn’t mean adding pounds doesn’t play on their psyches. The extra girth men

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Eight Ways To Boost Memory Functions

You Must Remember This

The Skinny Some memory loss is inevitable as people age. Even for those not confronting the devastating implications of Alzheimer’s or other forms of severe cognitive decline, memory deteriorates as

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How do fish talk to each other and what does that mean for you?

Just In: Fish Gab A Lot

By John Salak – Fishing is a wonderful balm for the body and soul. Precision and knowledge are required as well as varying levels of physical skills. Then there is

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Peanut types and health benefits

Nothing But Peanuts

The Skinny Behold the humble peanut, which isn’t a nut at all but rather a legume. Consumed in bars and at ballgames and almost everywhere in between, they are loaded

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Researchers are examining an insulin-loaded patch prototype that may provide an alternative to insulin shots..

Patches of Good News on Diabetes

By John Salak – Good news and diabetes usually don’t go hand-in-hand. After all, almost 40 million Americans suffer from diabetes, including about 8 million who don’t know they have it. Another

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7 creepy crawlers you want in your garden

Don’t Get So Bugged Out

The Skinny  Okay, spring is finally here, the days are longer and warmer and there is the chance to spend more time outside, perhaps gardening or just hanging out. Great.

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