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Paws-itive Vibes

By Jessica Scarpati – Loyal and lovable, dogs have unquestionably earned the mantle of man’s best friend. But are they also man’s best therapist? A new study suggests that a

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A Strong D-Fence

 Vitamin D has gotten a lot of attention recently for its overall health benefits and many experts claim that enthusiasm isn’t misplaced. Harvard Health, in fact, reports there is evidence

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Smoothie Sailing

The Skinny Smoothies are the ultimate tease. They usually have great names, taste even better and imply all sorts of medicinal benefits. Ultimately, having a smoothie is almost a noble

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Ease Into Smoothies

By John Salak – Most people equate the iconic smoothie with wellness, good health and sound nutrition. There are a lot of good reasons for this. Just its name, smoothie,

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Mind This Matter

Injuries are never a good thing. However, their one upside always seemed to be giving someone a reason to sit around in bed or on the couch watching TV for

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Box Office Gold

By Sean Zucker – There are few things better than grabbing a large bucket of popcorn on your way into the movie theater. Okay, true, it’ll likely be some time

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A Terribly Weight Issue

By John Salak- Childhood obesity in America is not funny, cute or harmless. In fact, it is rampant and dangerous, usually the byproduct of a complex set of factors that

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