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Staci Smith

Eat less and exercise more isn't the answer to weight loss

Weight Management’s New Bite

By John Salak –    A century of weight management wisdom maintains that overeating is the primary cause of weight gain, especially when coupled with today’s increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Tough

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The health benefits of dreaming

Sleep On It Deeply

By John Salak –    “To sleep, perchance to dream.” Just maybe Shakespeare’s Hamlet was on to something when it comes to the benefits or at least power of snoozing and dreaming.  There have

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An Intro To Middle Earth Cuisine

Having Hobbits For Dinner?

Tolkien’s world of Middle Earth has been captivating readers for almost a century with beautiful imagery and expansive lore. Luckily for fans and newbies alike, his creation will soon be captivating

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Health and nutrition benefits of eating coconuts

Seven Coconut Cures

The Skinny  The great songwriter Harry Nilsson knew his coconuts as his classic tune demonstrated. He joyfully underscored just how beneficial they can be for bellyaches and other maladies. WellWell thought we’d take Harry’s insights a

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Benefits of Cutting Sugar From Your Diet

Sugar is Sweet But Life Threatening

By John Salak –    Enough with added sugar. Cutting 20 percent of sugar from packaged foods and 40 percent from beverages could generate enormous health, economic and societal benefits, according to a host of leading

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The misconceptions associated with psychics

Connecting With A Psychic At Halloween

Ever have an inexplicable gut feeling about something or experience Deja vu? Most just shuck these feelings as pure coincidence, however, some suggest these vibes are the groundwork of developing psychic abilities. Chanda Parkinson is one of them. WellWell spoke

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