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Cerebrum Conundrum

Excuses are everywhere. It’s the television when you’re eating with your family; the internet when you’re trying to work; or push notifications on your phone just about whenever. They are

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Dining Out Dangers

By John Salak – Dining out. It’s a recipe for relief if you’re tired or you’re looking to treat your pallet. Not surprisingly, Americans love to eat out. In fact,

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When Pain Doesn’t Bring Gains

By Saskia Salak – You’ve seen it everywhere. The promise plastered on billboards, promoted in daytime talk shows, harped about online and touted in supermarket magazines. Even your trashy sitcoms

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A Season To Remember

By Sean Zucker –  You’ve heard the advice your entire life: You gotta spice it up. It almost doesn’t matter what. You’re warned to constantly add something exciting to relationships,

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Stop Eating Misinformation

It’s a never-ending stream of chaos, confusion and contradiction in the food trend trenches. Gluten is terrible then it’s necessary for most healthy diets. The Paleo diet is the most

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The Misguided Cover Up

By John Salak – There is nothing like the outbreak of swine flu, bird flu or the now headline-grabbing coronavirus to spur an astronomical run on surgical masks. Look no

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