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Living Long Demands Hold Off on Romance?

Secrets to living a long life

By Sean Zucker —

From Dolly Parton to Cher and Morgan Freeman, it’s never been more evident that modeling behavior off senior citizens is a good idea. One Scottish woman underscored this notion after recently making headlines while celebrating her 102nd birthday. Like others who have joined the Century Club, Cathy Hillock was asked by the local media about her secret to longevity. Her formula was, well, kind of heartbreaking.

The Scottish Daily Express reported the centenarian cited romantic detachment as the key to her long, robust life. “I think for me, the secrets to a long, happy, and healthy life are everything in moderation. I eat and drink well, and have always done lots of charity work. Oh, and perhaps most importantly, I stayed single and never got married,” Hillock said.


Now before Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” becomes a worldwide nursing home anthem, it’s worth noting there’s inherent wisdom in much of what Hillock suggests that goes beyond having a limited love life. Enjoying vices in moderation has been proven as an effective health boon. Moderate drinking has previously been linked with a slew of benefits from decreasing heart disease risk to increasing male fertility. One study even found that moderate alcohol consumption can decrease mortality rates by over 20 percent.


It’s probably even less of a coincidence then that Hillock’s latest birthday party was Great Gatsby-themed. The staff where she lives at the Beechwood Care Home in Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, decked out the facility in Roaring Twenties fashion. Staff members and Hillock’s fellow residents even dressed in their best prohibition-inspired getups. 


“All the staff and residents at Beechwood had a fantastic time celebrating Cathy’s 102nd birthday. It’s always wonderful to be able to find unique ways to make each birthday party special and Cathy was delighted to be able to celebrate her milestone birthday with family and friends and said how happy she was to know everyone was thinking of her,” Helen Miller, Beechwood Care Home’s Activities Coordinator, told the Express.


Festivities aside, are romantic relationships a fast track to an expedited ending? There doesn’t appear to be any scientific support for the notion as yet. But those looking for longevity may still want to think about Cathy Hillock’s recipe for long life before rushing into any romantic endeavors.





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