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One Tiny Step For Man

The atom, iPhones, Baby Yoda – sometimes a lot of power can come from very small packages. Could the same hold true for decision making? BJ Fogg, PhD, believes tiny

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Thigh High Health Arrives

By John Salak – Talk about a boost for positive body image. The American Heart Association (AMA) just reported individuals with “fatter legs” seem less likely than those with thinner

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Fried Crickets Anyone?

By John Salak – Reports from the oh, that’s simply disgusting front suggest that one of the great untapped food resources that may soon be finding its way into mouths

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Lighten Up That Pie

The Skinny For many of us, pizza is like a big hug for our taste buds. What’s especially great is that you can pile pretty much anything you want on

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Chick It Out!

By Sean Zucker – Commonly found as the core ingredient of engrossing favorites such as hummus and falafel, chickpeas have exploded in popularity over the last few years. Despite this,

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Supercharge Your Workout

By Sean Zucker – Professional athletes are constantly searching for new ways to get an edge on the competition. Whether it’s a unique diet or superior workout routines, the goal

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Gut Health Goes Nuts

By John Salak – The belly is fast becoming the place to be for the health conscious. Not, of course, the flabby bit that hangs over a person’s waistline. But

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