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Calming Sound

Musicians, the good ones, always have a spiritual quality. It comes across in their ability to reach a higher plane through notes and melodies, connecting people across hemispheres through song.

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Get Hooked On Seaweed

By Sean Zucker – The flavor and benefits of seafood dishes are well known. Sushi is diverse and malleable, lobster is a buttery staple of luxury and salmon is one

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The Weight Of A Light Wallet

By Charles Kouri – Americans are not just swimming in debt, they are drowning in it. What’s worse is that this debt stress tsunami isn’t just hitting their financial well-being,

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Lying And Snoozing in Weight

By Jessica Scarpati – Love him or hate him, Olaf was onto something. When viewers first encountered the magical talking snowman from Disney’s Frozen, he immediately shared an endearing fact:

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Coronavirus’s Grim Reach

By John Salak – There is nothing good about the fast-spreading coronavirus now threatening millions. But if there’s any solace to be found in the calamity, it comes from indications

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